Thursday, October 23, 2008

Kept my goal to check on the school for Kaitlyn

I called and had a long conversation this morning about the CATHOLIC school, here is their mission statement

Mission Statement: Father Anglim Academy exists to meet the individual needs of students with learning differences in a supportive community where every child’s diversity is honored and valued.

It's a dot org for anyone who wants to look into this private school which takes the MacKay scholarship so a perfect situation IF YOU DO NOT HAVE DOWN SYNDROME.

God's children can reach academic grade level with learning differences..... This school is for a child who has dyslexia, LD issues, high functioning Autism with MIN BEHAVIORAL issues. They will take them if the "FIT IN" exactly what was said to me. Can not be more than 2 grade levels below chronological age, and able to get to grade level...DOESN'T sound like IEP material to me?????? How in the heck do parents get his classification and private schooling for free???? LOOPS EVERYWHERE .. well I am moving on with my day because I see it is now the battle to MAKE PUBLIC SCHOOL DO THEIR JOB. Darn it, I thought those days were past for Kaitlyn. She looses so much while the process takes place for the school to see their role in her education. When the first set of testing happens and the score show she has lost SO MUCH then I will have my battle ground to go in and demand they do their job correctly. It hurts to know it all falls on to my daughters shoulders...