Wednesday, January 13, 2010

One of those days

Woke up to "forgetting" our monthly in home therapy with a specialist...ooops, but we were home so no harm done... then our scheduled and remembered 10 until 12:30 QSI interviews for Tressa, Jordan and Lucas to stay on the wait list for the next ten years..why is someone getting paid to come out to my home to take paperwork on children there is no funding to support????? I guess I am not current on government spending...the woman shows up in a BMW new and dressed to the 9's with rocks on her fingers and she is here to inform me there is no funding available to offer supports and services to my children who have disabilities and could benefit from in home supports... SORRY FOR YOUR LUCK MAAAAMMM..--no I didn't offer her any coffee..Tee hee hee....and then the call came...

Remember in December I posted I lost my calendar..well the issues are starting...I get the call that my seat is empty at my sons IEP.... YIKES...... Me not at my child's IEP... and from the way I answered the phone his teacher KNEW, I was totally caught off guard. They claimed they couldn't proceed with the updated levels and leave it as a draft for me to catch up because they all gathered. They claim it is OK and we can go over the placement.... You see I ALREADY know the fate of my child... I have been around the block and rode this donkey at the rodeo more than once... I was pleased to get the year in Pre-K ese after his birthday... so I am in for the bronco bucking.... I am certain as my name is Mary that NO ONE on the teem recommended gen ed kindy for my child... SO all I did is pass up a long aggravating afternoon sitting in a no win IEP.... Little do they know I have plan B... I have had plan B in my vision for awhile.... so they may feel like round one bell rang and things are going the way the "team" seeks it to but I know otherwise.

Then...... my teen GIRL cell phone, can I go to a boys house after school off the bus with his parents not home and be alone with him in their apartment all by our selves... WELL she really didn't ask like that but it is exactly what she was asking to do.... I believe she said, can I go over to ****'s house and see his dog. She called me on the bus ride home.... HECK NO!!!! his mom is at work and this is totally not acceptable... and guess what...... It took her 45 minutes to walk from her bus stop home...... and she has no idea why she is in time out in her room.... Again, a rodeo I have been to a couple of times. Just think if I had been at the school in an IEP.... lord help her. LOL

MY FEET ARE COLD.... I am tired of winter time for some hot sand between my toes.

Off to make dinner, it is almost time for speech to pull up and OT after. Homework, baths and bedtime routine.. A long weekend is about to face us...YIPPEEE.. isn't it summer yet? This mama loves summer buses, no school, no hassle, and all about beach, fun and lots of time to play in the pool!