Tuesday, December 9, 2008

10 days to party night

I have a busy 10 days ahead preparing for our annual Holiday Party. I have my list and checking it twice...

Many last minute calls for additional attendees and final food prep underway to have enough of everything. The party supply store was out of round 60" red and green table covers, yikes... Looks like I will be heading into Ft Myers in the next couple days for those. I have pulled out all the decorations to re-group and have everything in sections for all the volunteers. Lots of volunteers emailing and Cape Coral high school lis sending many of theri students for service hours. We have a 20 foot Tree to get up and decorate in record speed that afternoon. The 28 tables all need dressed, craft table set, Santa's throne... registration table and yada, yada, yada...YES I LOVE IT! The firemen are equally busy getting Santa prepared with all the children's toys wrapped and names upon each gift.

The holidays, nothing better. I have the SNOW machine and snow juice ready to go. I am from up north and this is necessary. LOL

I updated my myspace page today and found extended family around he US also on the myspace network. HAPPY HOLIDAYS FAMILY AND FRIENDS!

Tonight is Jordan's big debut onto the stage as a "tree" in the musical play "A moosical Christmas" I am nervous because he has had an off day all day and has been naughty to friends at school and on the bus.. JORDAN, pull it together son.... I will take pictures. Tressa is an Elf in the same play on Thursday night. I will video on Thursday. With Jordan I will need hands on to help. A snapshot here and there will work but full blown video just will not happen.

Cable is coming tomorrow to re-install Keirsten bedroom cable since it was never properly put into service and she can not get quality viewing as it is. Also tomorrow is the holiday party for their Behavioral service agency. Going to Chuck E Cheese and not school tomorrow. They are going to be so surprised when I flag the buses not to stop....and we get ready for a day of play.