Wednesday, December 24, 2008

a little OCD maybe more than one of us??

I have given Tressa extra vitamin B's as a try to get her into better sleep patterns and allow her more energy during the day. A more stable sleep pattern (body to rest) to hopefully increase positive interactions/behaviors during the day. Well look, it is 4 am. I have been up for an hour waiting for her to wake up... I hope it is not a fluke and actually the vitamins will help long term... Two things have happened. #1, She is taking extra Vit B's , #2, she has been told Santa will not come if she is awake.. so possibly she is preparing tonight to sleep through the night tomorrow and her mind is not focused on waking to seek food??? Who knows but I need to get my act together so I can sleep through the nights now. Interesting both last night and tonight I have had to get Steven back to sleep. He didn't leave his bed but he turns on his TV and sit up which then brings on rocking..... We all need to readjust to sleeping through the night if this Vit. supplement is the key.