Sunday, December 28, 2008

Time to check on Tressa's Star again

We have decided to head out to check on Tressa's star (Orlando) This will land us in Give Kids the World theme park for a day. The kids LOVE LOVE LOVE this place. I hope to roll out first thing Tuesday morning. Monday is full of Doctors appointments. I think this will be great fun. The deciding factor is GAS PRICES LOWEST IN 5 YEARS!!! It was --do we go to the movies today for $80.00 or fill the van and get a hotel room in Orlando??? (discount hotels for GKTW families) Hands down the kids choose Orlando where they have a FREE MOVIE THEATER and FREE POPCORN!! and You know who is there .....eeeaks they get as excited as

Tuesday is horseback riding day so I am going to push to be up there by 10 am. Then it is Nick night for the kids to play with sponge bob at the night outside party. We can grab lunch Wed and head home... After tons of play time and endless carousal rides, putt putt, train rides, and a carriage ride upon a Real carriage with Real horse, swim in heated pools, play with motor boats and go fishing off the pier. I almost forgot the Castle playroom and TRESSA'S STAR ...when all that is done, we will come home for Ney Years Eve and Mom can meet up with some friends.