Sunday, December 21, 2008

Energy came from nowhere

I made it until 1 pm when Lamar and Michelle came to have the visit for Ayden. Something hit me and off I went...Opened the garage door and started working like a beaver building a dam. I am totally in shock at what I was able to get done with a visit going on, the kids home and everything on my shoulders and my back hurting from the past few days working the party..

The reason I stopped to blog right now is that I LOVE MY KIDS SO MUCH.......

I made dinner, heating up guess what...mash potatoes, stuffing and gravy...with green beans..LOL They love it so what the heck...A pack of turkey hot dogs and it is the kids dream dinner.

I brought up the conversation about Christmas and asked who remembered Baby Jesus' moms name...they had all forgotten--GO FIGURE (my name) So I start off about Mother Mary and how she got the baby in her tummy from God. That she was having her baby and they couldn't get a we go through the entire story about the kings, presents, things given from our hard work and hands is so much more meaningful and why.... the end I question and Tressa gives all the right answers. She gets it...

I end by saying it is a real story but it actually happened a long long time ago...

With a very high pitch loud voice Tressa says. For real Mom it is a true story, you didn't make it up again....... LOL I cracked up. She is so cute! I secured the meaning of Christmas and was reassuring her I did not make up the story, and we will get our nativity scene down to play it out tomorrow on the table with the statues and the stable. She then says she thinks it is so cool Baby Jesus mom is the same name as her mom.