Friday, December 5, 2008

HAPPY DANCE, current bills here....

I am sure many of my up north friends can not believe in December I am doing the happy dance while opening my BILLS. The electric that runs any where between 400 and $500.00 a month is today $186.00, YES!!! and the water which was $389.00 a month because the main water line was broke for months is $90.00, ROCK ON!!!! Life is good. LOL Top that, the price of gasoline in my Big gas hog van down from $4.80 to $1.78 a gallon... I feel like I might be able to catch up! Actually have a personal life again... ya think??? Ok, reality check...It is the month to re-do tags, l Life Insurance, Christmas for 11 children and 4 grand children and on and on... "Life," right. I grab a moment when I can.