Saturday, December 27, 2008

Important connections for young children

I want to share a part of Tressa's day yesterday. She has an open adoption as most of you know. It was her Birth Paternal Grandfather's Birthday . She wanted to make a card, take a picture and email it but that never happened because she also wanted to type an email which took ALL DAY because she didn't want mistakes (just perfect) is what she would say. She had to sing the song Happy Birthday completely to get one of the words typed... a visual for understanding the time this email took. It was pain staking long and I often hopped on to "fix" it for her.

A bit of history; Grand Dad named Tressa FireFly when she was a baby because we flew out to see them and he said she lit up his life when she arrived (airplane). She can put the room a glow with her presence in their lives.... Thus "FireFLy" and in response the grand kids call him Doe Doe (and he LOVES it)

Any way. He emailed back after she had fallen asleep and his response is EXACTLY the relationship they have. Fun, loving and so inviting for my young daughter to have with an older relative. This is very positive for young children, Her ability to be fun and loving back is what you will see from her photo response, This I encouraged so we didn't have to take another full day for an email...YIKES! She is a perfectionist (OCD) and if things are not right she doesn't care if it takes everyone and everything to make it right, she wants it her way.

From Tressa to Grand Dad:
Dear Grandpa Doe Doe, Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Doe Doe Happy Birthday to you! Doe Doe i am singing this to you Happy Birthday Doe Doe, have the happiest birthday, love Tressa and that's it period. My name is Tressa, your grand daughter. I tell everybody it is my grand Dad Doe Doe's birthday...

(she is laughing all the way/all day)

Oh Tressa, Oh Tressa,
I should really scold you.
You tell all your friends
A tale that's not true
Oh yes, I'm your Granddad
Of that I am proud
But you must stop saying
And saying so loud
"My Grandpa is Doe Doe,
Doe Doe Doe Doe Doe"
I know you are fibbing
So you better stop that show!

(But I've very happy to have your birthday good wishes, even if you keep calling me "Doe Doe". which I'm

And I do love you,

Grandad (not Doe Doe)

Tressa wakes and I tell her of this reply and she gets her silly defensive laugh ....and we build our attack back.... See photo.